{Pork, Potato & Gherkin Goulash}

If I was a vegetarian I would miss bacon the most, and if we got rid of our TV I would miss thursday nights on SBS (and the Bold and The Beautiful shhhhhhhhh). The new series of Gourmet Farmer starts tonight, I'm beside myself with excitement, this is one of Mathews recipes, its out of the new SBS food magazine, Feast, I've subscribed to it and I love it, it even feels nice.... weirdo.

Anyway best squeeze this comfort food recipe in pronto, it was the gherkins that enticed me, I love gherkins, and seeing as we've had a week of 20 degree days and yesterday on a walk we picked jasmine and daphne its a sure sign that the bbq will soon be lugged out from the side of the house, the spiders brushed off and we will start eating in the garden on warm evenings, hooray for that, I've got some new salad recipes I can't wait to try. Bring it on.

...the goulash
2 tbsp olive oil
1kg pork shoulder in 5cm peices (I actually halved this)
1 tbsp plain flour
2 onions finely sliced
4 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tbsp sweet paprika
1/3 cup tomato passata
400g baby potatoes, halved
80g dill cucumbers
100g sourcream

Preheat oven to 150. Heat the oil in a large casserole dish, dust pork with flour and cook in batches till evenly browned. Transfer to a plate. Add the onions and a little more oil if necessary and cook till softened and starting to colour, add in the paprika and garlic and stir for a minute then return the pork, the passata a tsp of salt and some freshly ground pepper, stir in two cups of water and bring to the boil.
Transfer to the oven and bake for 1.5 hours, give it a stir and add in the potatoes, push them down into the liquid then return it to the oven for another 45 minutes to an hour till they are tender (at this point my pork was falling apart).

Stir in the sourcream and chopped gherkins, check seasoning and serve with something green.


  1. YUM! We eat a lot of gherkins in this house too - and I too am a bit over winter food at the moment, even if we're a long way off 20 degrees. But this looks like a good middle ground...

  2. oh i with you hon - no chance of me being a vego, i'd miss the pork too much!!! Also, i Loooooovvvveee gerkins - you should try them with Latvian Liverwurst -hmmmmm yum! anyhoo, this recipe sounds just divine...i must try before it gets too warm. can't wait to try the sauce too tonight!! thanks for stopping....b xx


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